Lent Devotional - Day 27

Read John 14:1-14.

Jesus is so secure in himself and in his relationship with the Father that we constantly see Jesus serving his disciples. Jesus doesn’t worry about himself at all. Jesus not only served the people during his time on earth, now as he returns to the Father, he goes to prepare a place for us.

When I serve, I worry about myself a lot! Am I gonna burn-out? Am I doing too much? Am I doing too little? Are people going to take advantage of my service? Perhaps I don’t get tired from serving, but from all worries big and small that I think about. This shows me that I’m not secure in myself and especially in my relationship with Jesus.

Jesus describes his union with the Father that they are one: Jesus is in the Father and the Father is in him. For us, the true meaning of life is to be in union with Jesus. This is our spiritual work and discipline we need to pursue? Why?

Jesus is the way: if we want the absolute good life, we have to walk the way he walked. Full on 100% obedience to Jesus and our singular goal in life is to please him.

Jesus is the truth: if we want to experience the fullness of his peace, in our hearts and minds, then we must entrust ourselves completely to Jesus. Trust in his love and in his character.

Jesus is the life: if we want to live a bullet-proof life, we must understand our lives depend on him alone. He is life and he is resurrection. We go when he tells us to, until then we are free to live as he leads us to, to serve as he leads us to, and to bless others as he leads us to.

When we are done half-heartedly following Jesus and fully surrender our lives to Jesus, then his promise is that we will do even greater things than what Jesus has been doing, and that he will do whatever we ask in his name. Why? When we are in Jesus and Jesus is in us, then we know that the Father is in us and we are in the Father and as we pray “Lord, may your will be done here on earth and it is in heaven, “ you know it will be done.

We are still holding too much back from Jesus. What do you have to lose? I want to lose all my fears and worry. Jesus promises that we will find life when we lose our lives in him. Let’s give it all to him.


Lent Devotional - Day 28


Lent Devotional - Day 26