Lent Devotional - Day 36

Read John 18:15-18, 25-27.

Peter is one of Jesus’ most hot-headed, guns-blazing, foot-in-mouth, kind of disciple. Although I have always seen Peter’s character and personality as being less-than desirable, I believe I am wrong. Why?

Yes it is very clear that he is imperfect, but what is also super apparent is that Peter loves Jesus. Even when Jesus had to tell him: “Get behind me, Satan,” Peter has said those things unknowingly, but from a place of genuine love.

I contrast this to my carefully crafted sensible approach to life. I have to ask myself, is it apparent that I love Jesus? Outside of the church circles, when I am at work, or out in the world, do I wear my heart for Jesus on my sleeves, or do I hide it?

I like Peter because he’s just so real. He’s so 100% sold out to Jesus and there’s no doubt about that. This is the reason that he alone out of all the disciples can say that he has walked on water with Jesus. Our willingness to go all the way with Jesus will determine the depth of our experience and encounter with Jesus.

Today we see Peter’s denials as predicted by Jesus. Peter wanted to be there for Jesus, so desperately wanted to perhaps be his saviour, but in the end fear got the best of him. What we have to appreciate is that Jesus knew this was going to happen and there was plenty of grace for that. In the heart of God, there is room for our mistakes, and abundant grace for our imperfections. What matters is how much we love Jesus.

All these years I used to look down on Peter, but I want to be more like him when I grow up.


Lent Devotional - Day 37


Lent Devotional - Day 35