Resurrection Devotional - Day 3

Read John 20:24-31.

Thomas was not a lesser disciple because he doubted. Remember that all the disciples doubted and all the disciples feared, but for one reason or another Thomas was not hiding out with the group when Jesus first appears to them. Jesus does not chastise him for his “doubt”.

I believe what Thomas was stating was his earnest desire and Jesus showed up for him.

We all need a personal encounter with Jesus, in order for our relationship with him to be personal and real. This is where many of us miss out on Jesus because we do not earnestly desire him. Do you want to have a real personal encounter with Jesus? Ask him today. Let Jesus know that you want to experience him for yourself and not simply rely on the stories of others.

As Jesus opens up doors for the encounter, say “Yes to him.” Jesus wants you to not just guess at and assume your relationship with him, but he wants you to truly believe. So tell him what you need for that today and show up to Jesus the way you would want him to show up for you.


Dear Jesus, thank you for the cross and thank you for the incrediblely costly gift of salvation. Lord, we want to grow in our belief and in our relationship with you. Please show us more of yourself to us. You have called us to be witnesses, so may we witness your power, love, and glory at work in and around us. May we be faithful witnesses that do not shy away from telling others what we have seen, heard, and experienced for ourselves. As we have received freely, may we give to others freely what we have been given. Help us to be sensitive to the move of your Holy Spirit and walk in obedience to you. In your precious name. Amen.


Resurrection Devotional - Day 4


Resurrection Devotional - Day 2